Posts in TV
Appearing on FX's "Baskets" Tuesday March 6!

Check your local listings for FX's "Baskets" next week -- I'll be appearing in the "Woman's Conference" episode. SUCH fun working with the generous and kind Louie Anderson. And wonderful to meet Jackie Garcia (playing "Jan") as well as these two talented gentlemen.

You can see the clips on my updated acting reel HERE.

Clearly, it's a very difficult job, but somebody has to do it. 

On "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Sunday 11/5 on HBO

Had a great time shooting a scene with Larry David for "Curb Your Enthusiasm!" Episode 6 of season 9 airs this Sunday November 5 at 10 pm on HBO. I played a Gate Agent who is just trying her best to do her job. Such fun improv-ing this scene and working with the lovely and generous Mr. David.

Here's the teaser for the episode:

At the airport Larry loses it over FDA regulations. Marty (Bob Einstein) and Larry agree that finding someone to sleep with at their age is difficult. New episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 9, Sundays at 10 PM, only on HBO. Starring Larry David, Cheryl Hines, Jeff Garlin and J.B.

On the Screen: In ABC's "American Crime" with Felicity Huffman!

Look for me in Episode 5 of this season's "American Crime" on ABC. I play Alice, a real estate agent trying to help Jeannette, Felicity Huffman's character. It was a fun day on the set, with our wonderful director Tanya Hamilton.

I think the episode will air Sunday April 9 on ABC. Check local listings for times. Here's hoping my scene isn't cut! Hooray for the unpredictability of the business we call show!

Appearing on IFC's "Documentary Now!" with Bill Hader -- Season 2, Episode 3

Check local listings (or visit to watch a stellar episode of Season 2 of "Documentary Now!" with the brilliant Bill Hader, Wednesday September 28. I play a small (but extremely important!) role. 

Episode 3, "Parker Gail's Location is Everything" riffs on Spalding Gray's "Swimming to Cambodia" film (1984, Jonathan Demme, director). It's particularly meaningful to me because I love Spalding Gray's work, and it reminds me of moving to New York City in the 1980s and being inspired to write my own performance pieces. This episode nails Spalding's free association writing and performance style perfectly -- it's less a spoof than an homage, really.

It was a thrill to be invited back this season to work with Bill and directors Alex Buono and Rhys Thomas. Check it out and enjoy!