Posts tagged Route 66 New Play Workshop
Finalist in Chicago's Route 66 Theatre New Play Workshop

My latest play, "Miss Keller's Second Book," was announced as a finalist in Chicago's Route 66 "Test Drive" New Play Workshop today, and I'm so happy about it! I was just working on a new draft of this one, and it's so encouraging to get this kind of validation to keep working on it.

Route 66 Theatre Company introduces, develops, produces, and exports new work for the stage that embrace the American spirit of exploration and risk.

Here's the synopsis for "Miss Keller's Second Book:"
It’s been nearly 50 years since the notoriously reclusive Agnes Keller published her first and only book. Now, with her protective sister recently deceased, Agnes must face the pressures from outside her small sanctuary as she grapples with the inevitability of change, the tangled tethers of family, and the question of an artist’s obligation to the world.

Many thanks to Literary Manager Frances Limoncelli and everyone at Route 66 Theatre Company!